Copy Brewers Terms and Conditions


All written copy becomes the intellectual property of the purchaser on payment and final approval.


We'll always work to make you happy with the end result, but no refunds are available on work done. On large projects, deposits are non-refundable if agreed to and paid. 


All content includes 2 free rounds of revisions with changes of no more than 25% of the written work, barring a large misunderstanding or issue with the writing (as determined by a Solitary Pearl LLC/Copy Brewers supervisor). All additional revisions will be billed separately.


Great content works when it's in front of the right people and the offer or product is a good fit for the audience. We only control the content. We can't control the rest of your business strategy or your other work. As such, we will not be responsible for the sales results or performance of the content we produce or other work you hire us to do. 


Content will be proofread thoroughly prior to final delivery, but the team is human and may still miss an error on rare occasions. This is not a cause for a refund and the team does not assume any additional liability on the final product. Submit the content for revision and we will get it back to you with no additional charges and sincere apologies.


We’re happy to customize the format of the content or work done if it fits within the scope of the project and the way that our team and systems are able to work. However, any changes must be agreed on by both parties, and increases in scope will be billed separately.


We will communicate expected delivery and other work deadlines clearly. Unless otherwise communicated because of team workload or upcoming calendar conflicts, expect a reasonable turnaround on all communication and work done. Examples are 24-48 hours on emails and messages during work days, 2-4 business days on a draft up to 700 words, 5-7 business days on a draft up to 1500 words, and 1-4 weeks on longer projects. Very large projects may be even longer. Revisions will be delivered in 1-2 business days.


If our team needs clarification or additional information in order to complete the work, delivery may be delayed. 


Unless otherwise stated, our main communication method with clients is written emails and messages.


Delays of more than three times the original project timeline or 30 days (whichever is longer) that are caused by lack of client communication or other issues outside of the Copy Brewers’ team’s control will result in a stopping of work and cancellation of the project, unless otherwise approved by a Solitary Pearl LLC/Copy Brewers supervisor. Our team will reach out a minimum of three times on two different platforms (if we have the contact information available) to ensure our attempts to communicate are able to be seen. All work completed will be billed and final payment is the responsibility of the client. No refunds on already paid amounts will be given.


All work will be based on the information you submit in your forms and during interviews with our team. Solitary Pearl LLC and Copy Brewers staff are not responsible for the accuracy of any information you provide us and will not be liable for any damage or loss caused by incorrect information in the final content that is based on your submission or interview.


We do not plagiarize and will not accept jobs that we feel cross the line of using other companies’ or individual’s intellectual property.


Solitary Pearl LLC and the Copy Brewers team reserve the right to refuse work on any legal basis, including topics and content that go against our values. If this is done before work has begun, a full refund will be granted. If work has begun and new information comes to light that was withheld or the content shifts, no refund will be given on work done but no work will be delivered. Discrimination, bigotry, unverified assertions (whether questionable academically or socially), hate, violence, and other harm are examples of content we will always refuse.


Abuse, insults, and/or threats against the Solitary Pearl LLC/Copy Brewers team will also be cause for refusal of service. Work done will not be refunded. Work done and not paid for yet will be billed and is the responsibility of the client. Work done that does not violate our content policies will be delivered in its current state and no further work will be completed.


You are more than welcome to use our work as a white label delivery team for your agency or company to provide services to your clients. You must let us know prior to work starting on the order, though. (It's worth it, anyway, we usually will give you a discount if there is more than one client!)


You can see our Privacy Policy here.

Copyright 2024 © Solitary Pearl LLC (DBA Copy Brewers), all rights reserved. Privacy Policy.